Sara, ICU Nurse, Covid 2/24/21

To Carry This Burden Upon Your Shoulders and In Your Heart Alone. Is to Be Forever Changed. Today's (2/24/21) NYT Opinion Section had a 15 minute film on nurses in an Arizona hospital's ICU/COVID unit. The producer strapped body cams on the nurses in an effort to literally experience what they could only share as no one but the nurses were allowed into the unit, The producer should win some sort of an award as he doesn't play up the emotional aspect, or do the normal finger-pointing. He uses ICU nurse Sara to speak for all Covid unit ICU nurses. Sara does not so much speak as she just bears witness. After watching the film I was left deeply moved. There are skills and insights that only come after innumerable repetitions - consistently sinking a 3 point shot from afar only comes from hours and hours of repeating the shot. Sara exhibits the same type of proficiency but in a much grimmer arena. ...