
Showing posts from March, 2021

Thoughts on Framing the Goals I wish to Pursue March 3rd, 2021

  Thoughts on Framing the Goals I Wish to Pursue Bob Bowerman January, Year 2 of the Virus. At age 68, having dealt with the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease for the last 7-8 years, having the wrestled my life back from the hobgoblins that had found a home inside my head, having grown dissatisfied with how I was leading my life. Realizing with or without PD, I had only limited time to achieve whatever it was that I picked to apply myself to. Looking about me and seeing disarray, disintegration, hate, anger, ignorance, being manipulated by unnamed others for agendas unknown. I came out of my hermitage and began to engage the world around me. I was tentative at first, writing more to project an image that I wasn’t, as well as a false image I still wished to become. In thinking about what I wanted to spend my remaining time pursuing, I realized, all goals are for the most part, ego driven, this is certainly most true if the goal is fame, fortune, or power. I thought ab