
Showing posts from April, 2021
  April 25th, Ano dos Sunday Morning Meditation; Hitting the Pause Button Have you forgotten? Have you forgotten, and no longer remember? To rest, to just sit, to focus on the nothing else, To look away- to look up and out, not down and in? When was the last time your mind, your soul, and your body occupied the same point in time? When was the last time you HAD time? When was the last time you MADE time? Can you even remember, or have you too FORGOTTEN? To hit the Pause Button is a luxury neither the rich nor the poor seem to afford. The poor sling fries, then a mop, then laundry, then check homework, then silently gaze on a child curled into a fetal position, then fall asleep in the easy chair, a bag of ice melting on the shoulder. Rinse and repeat seven days a week. The Rich have it, don’t want to lose it, want more of it – yes, Freedom is very addictive. You are the navigator who chooses, You are the tiller-man of the ship upon which you sail. But the Pause Button is an illus...
  April 20 th Ano Dos File Under, Goes well with coffee; “ Too much to know; T he growing difficulty of informed decision-making. C ontinuing the conversation regarding your child's education-polygenic score (education-PGS) and selected implications for her future”. A brief recap. – On April 15 th , I posted in social media some thoughts that came to me after I read a published research paper on the use of the presence or absence of certain genes in student’s genetic profile as a useful tool to predict that student’s persistence to stick with the work necessary to complete cumulative mathematics courses in high school in order to succeed in STEM classes. The paper can be found here; . While that subject in itself is fascinating, using the paper as a source for discussion of other issues can be a lot of fun too. On April 17 th I revisited the paper to use it as a platform to discuss implications of what knowing ou...