
Showing posts from October, 2021

Momento mori

  Sunday morning, October 10th, ano 2, 2021 Memento mori Today is the first day of the rest of our Life. For some of us it will be our last, there will be no tomorrow. What has not be finished will remain unfinished. What has not be started will remain so. Bruised and damaged relationships, so badly in need of softly spoken conversation, will never have that opportunity. For one of us will go to the grave and the other one to live with a wound that ever saps the joy, steals the laughter and only in their dreams hearing again and again, hearing the words we choose not to speak, that they so hungered to hear. It is impossible to live a full life as Life was meant to be lived without throwing our full Self into relationships and community of a lifetime in the making. It is in this course of growing and maturing we will make mistakes. Some grievous. Mistakes and misunderstandings for whatever reason, need to be full. To do otherwise leaves a poison that lasts a lifetime...