
Showing posts from October, 2023

Hitting the pause button 102923

  Sunday October 29th, 2023, ano 4 Sunday meditation Hitting the pause button, and asking;"Have I really got this right?" Earlier this week, I was working on a piece of writing and came across 2 John 1:9 (I’ve included a little extra to keep it in context) Starting at verse 5;” …And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another. 6 And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.7 I say this because many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist. 8 Watch out that you do not lose what we have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully. 9 Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. 10 If anyo

The Missing Piece

10/27/22 File Under, "The Hunger" I can't say this is true for everyone, but I suspect it is and the point being; "That we are born with the awareness that we are in some way incomplete. That the true bobb, or Mary, or Ralph, has gone through life like a nearly completed puzzle but for a piece that has yet to be found." To say it another way, humans are incredibly complex beings, more like a 100,000 piece puzzle than those we put together on a long winter's weekend. As long as that piece is missing, the puzzle of who we genuinely are, remains just that, a puzzle. I think we are all born with an intense desire to find the missing piece and insert it into the picture in order that we may finally and become the complete person we sense we were meant to be. This desire to find the missing piece of ourselves takes us on the journey that lasts a lifetime and it is at the very roots of our creation myths, and religions. For we now realize that the missing piece is

Neuroplasticity, and the Art and Joy of Deep Reading

 Neuroplasticity  and the Art and Joy of Reading I first came across the term neuroplasticity  when I was researching how the brain rewires itself as PD kills off neurons tied to dopamine usage in critical bodily functions. Up until recently the brain was thought to put most of its growth early in life and that our brain growth generally peaked around 25 or maybe as late 45 years and then began the slow but steady decline until we died.  Both of these beliefs have turned out to be myths. The human brain is quite a marvel and with the discovery of neuroplasticity, we now understand the brain to be ever malleable and adaptive to changes it experiences.  People with PD come to really appreciate the ability as when PD kills off say, a neuro-pathway used to route signals between the leg and the brain needed to coordinate smooth walking and balancing, the brain responds by taking neuro pathways that were used in some other capacity and rewiring them assist in keeping your brain and your legs

Luctor et Emergo

Thursday December 8th, Year 3 A meditation for today Luctor et Emergo Sometimes for my morning meditation I pick a phrase I came across  in my reading or a phrase comes into my head and I try  imagining a picture or a short visualization of the meaning carried in the phrase.  I like phrases that are in foreign languages because I don't know any foreign languages and have to study the often multiple ways the phrase can be translated.  This is really educational as you very quickly come to realize many words (phrases) do not translate one hundred percent accurately, some are just close approximations at best.  At times I wonder how we ever communicate across cultures at all.  Over the years I have come to appreciate the many nuances that are unavailable to the single-tongued.  To be fluent multilingually, as to fluent monolingually, is to order off a French chef's menu as compared to McDonald's drive-thru offering. Today was "Luctor et Emergo"  usually translated as

Choosing our Destiny 10/24/23

 October 23,2023, ano4 Study the Picture Below What you see does not have to be our destiny. Sometimes it is handy to think of Human Progress two different ways;  "The identifying and investing in those things that lead to a stable environment, Where basic needs are adequately covered, there is enough free time and capital to pursue personal as well as group goals, where life is precious and avenues are available to all in regard to conflict resolution and having their voice heard".  The other way is thinking of human progress is, "The identifying and dis-investing in those things that lead to a unstable environments. It  does not fund or  encourage the manipulation of the population thinking or values that are necessary to create and promote a stable yet progressive culture.  In other words you don't build and sell products that, while you make a handsome profit,  cause the buyer or society in general to regress.  Activities that don't in some way celebrate li