
Showing posts from July, 2024

A tribute to my father, Lloyd D. Bowerman, who would have been 102 years old today, July 12th, 2024

7/12/24 My Teacher, The musing of an old, slow learner. A tribute to my father, Lloyd D. Bowerman, who would have been 102 years old today, July 12th, 2024   I think one of the greatest gifts my father ever gave me was that he thought, “everyone can teach you something”, and that phrase peppered his father/son talks my whole life.  He came from an impoverished background and retained a special affection for the poor and undereducated, people you normally don’t consider having anything of value to teach “us”. That thought has stuck with me and I’ve tried to practice it, sometimes more successfully than others.  He used everyday examples like; A middle aged coal miner, disabled with black lung, can’t teach you how to maximize the depreciation of a fixed asset, but he can tell you how to stack your firewood so it blows clear of snowdrifts in the wintertime and isn’t sitting in mud in the springtime.  A father, holding three jobs, can give you pointers on how to feed three kids and two adu