Sunday Meditation, June 27th, Ano dos Thoughts, meditations, and meanderings of the mind over the last few days. Bobb Sometimes I wonder where to start when I do a recap and think of how the week has gone and what has rolled around in my mind. There were a few things that I hit last week that I want to expand on but I'm not sure how to do that. As I look over what I've written over the years I see recurring themes of continuing to try to improve relationships by having patience with those whom we have no patience with. Studying ourselves, trying to become self aware of what we really are, not what our ego wants us to perceive ourselves to be. Then we came to “community''. Everybody talks “community'' today but if we had community like they had in the old days we would feel smothered. We have an unprecedented amount of individualism, individual freedom, individual choice and we're not going to give that up. But that comes with a price because it is only w...
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June 21st, ano dos Meandering thoughts from community to the necessity of soul-mates. 6/21/21 The Gift of Other If the pandemic taught humankind one thing, in my estimation, it was that humans are a social creature. For all our striving to have life delivered to our table as we ordered it from the kitchen, that is to say to our personal uncompromised desires, the pandemic is showing us the cost of this "special order" is not cheap. Research and technology advancements now allows providers of goods and services to customize their wares to smaller and smaller lot runs, with many suppliers now being able to provide each unit produced custom designed to a single customer's desires. The result of this is not that each of us gets exactly what each of us wants, but that by each of us in getting exactly what we want, we end up living in an isolating bubble. While that may not come as a surprise to you, it was a big shock to me. I thrive on privacy. Holding you and the worl...
The Gift of, and to Others. A meditation on the sharing of our time, our soul and our most intimate self.
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June 19th, Ano dos Sunday Meditation The Gift of, and to Others It is a gift to have good friends who surround you . More and more of what the world offers us comes with collateral costs. Chief among the costs is isolation . We work side-by-side and play side-by-side, and yet with the internet allowing us to all things customized or personalized, in effect, we walk through our existence alone . It is easy to slip into a n opinion of one , where conclusions are closed and cast in concrete, where we know our position is not well thought out , but we don't know why and we no longer care. Friendships take maintenance and maintenance takes time . Time we must wrestle away from some other competing interest. Bowling alone is not bowlin g , despite what the pin-setter says otherwise. F riendship offers much in return . The free exchange of ideas and perspectives and use of the other as a sounding board as we think our unthinkable s out l...
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June 7th, Ano dos There comes a time in each child's life, when after due consideration, they decide to seek a second opinion concerning something that was said or done in their presence, perhaps not for their ears or eyes but was taken in nonetheless . And it was for those moments God created old people. We're talking o lder than Mom and Dad old. Old as dirt old. So old everything on TV is a rerun. So old they remember when the Old Testament was in it's 1st edition. They have been around long enough they know everything , including Santa's phone number. These Ancient Ones of the past can only be the infamous "Grandma and Grandpa", although they can go by many other a ka's . Some are warm and friendly, while others like to keep a fair amount of daylight between themselves and whomever they are talking with. They are sticklers on please and thank-you and not butting in. If you are respectful, they will answer just about any question, well ...