Maybe read this first

Maybe, read this first, 

You read any book on aging and I guarantee you the subject of older folks repeating themselves will be mentioned.  I already find myself guilty of this.  It's like somebody randomly goes through my file cabinet of subjects and experiences I have been part of, and removed the post-it notes that remind me, "...discussed this with wife two days ago", "told this story to the grand-kids last night".  If you are in your sixties or older, you know exactly what I'm talking about.  I see the same thing happening in my FB and Blog posts—I repeat myself, I continually come back to subjects that I appeal to me, subjects that trouble me, subjects that I have continually wrestled with, etc.

Combine this with my habit of periodically writing out my core beliefs to see what's been abandoned, qualified, or newly endorsed and you soon see a similar repetitive pattern emerge, certain subject are of enduring interest to me and over the years I have come back to discuss them many times.

I don't consider this a bad thing as long as some aspect of my thinking has changed or is under reconsideration.  You are encouraged to add your two cent to the conversation, I'm always am interested in how other people view the subject.  Also feel free to point out when I'm merely repeating myself.  It's important I know when this happens as PD affects cognitive (The Executive Branch) processes as well.  I want this blog to be fun as well as thought provoking.  I want it to encourage you to think about why you believe what you believe.  I want this blog to encourage you to sort out your core beliefs upon which you build your life.

All of us spend a part of our lives wrong-headed, screwed up, lost, angry, self-defeating, embarrassed, saddled with shame and/or guilt, unconscious/zombied, used, weighed down with our parents', spouse's, sibling's baggage as well as a significant amount we create ourselves.  It happens to all of us and we need to acknowledge that, while at the same to deal with it.  Whether that is just a singular ah-hah! moment, or years of therapy we must do the work however painful.

I think my genes that regulate curiosity are over expressed as I am curious about just about any subject I stumble across.  That makes trying to give you a hint of future posts is difficult.  My focus bounces around like a pinball. I have a hard time staying on topic, as any subject has all kinds of sidebar issues that just becken to be explored.  Don't look to this blog for answers, I don't have them.  I'm not sure they exist.  While I have no answers, I have a lot of opinions.  I like to think they're fairly well thought out and hopefully have a thread of consistency running through them. 



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