
Showing posts from August, 2021

God is God, August 10th, ano 2

  8/10/21 "God Is God" I believe in prophecy. Some folks see things not everybody can see. And,once in a while,they pass the secret along to you and me. And I believe in miracles. Something sacred burning in every bush and tree. We can all learn to sing the songs the angels sing. Yeah, I believe in God, and God ain't me. I've traveled around the world, Stood on mighty mountains and gazed across the wilderness. Never seen a line in the sand or a diamond in the dust. And as our fate unfurls, Every day that passes I'm sure about a little bit less. Even the money in my pocket keeps telling me it's God I need to trust. And I believe in God, but God ain't us. God,in my little understanding, don't care what name I call. Whether I haven’t got it  figured out doesn't matter at all. I receive the blessings. That every day on Earth's another chance to get it right. Let this little light of mine shine and rage against the night. Just another lesson Maybe s

If You Were Born, You Will Die. August 5th, ano 2

  August 5th, ano 2 MORNING MEDITATION bobb If you are born, you will die. In between those two events you will experience many things. To fully engage Life, one must leave your soul vulnerable. As your hourglass empties, you grow strong bonds within the world - people, pets, children. There is nothing in itself that is wrong with this. We are social creatures and to mingle is a sign of health. To not to do so, is to live a stunted and an unexperienced life. But fully embracing the people in your life, comes with a cost, one often not considered when we grow those bonds. And that cost is—you will experience grief. Realization of that alone is often enough to limit the growth of that relationship, to walk among the potted bonsai, instead of giant redwoods. It is no coincidence that the deepest of these bonds start early in our lives, be it nursing at a breast or holding hands as we say "I do". Even at age 25 we are too young to fully understand the last paragraph of t

Life is. August 3rd ano 2

  8/3/2 Life is. That is all we should say. I suspect that is all we can say. To say more, is to make Life less. The greatest crime is to take it for granted. Life is beyond our understanding, as is Death. Saying we know Life, is like chopping a giant redwood until it fits in a shoe box, then putting a label on the box that says, "This is a Giant Redwood". Life that is comprehended through the senses, is not Life. Just as the heat given off by a radiator, is not the radiator. Life that is comprehended through the intellect is as a virus bumping into the toe of an elephant. It only after you spend your Life in search of what Life is, Will you know, Life is Precious. bobb