God is God, August 10th, ano 2


"God Is God"

I believe in prophecy.

Some folks see things not everybody can see.

And,once in a while,they pass the secret along to you and me.

And I believe in miracles.

Something sacred burning in every bush and tree.

We can all learn to sing the songs the angels sing.

Yeah, I believe in God, and God ain't me.

I've traveled around the world,

Stood on mighty mountains and gazed across the wilderness.

Never seen a line in the sand or a diamond in the dust.

And as our fate unfurls,

Every day that passes I'm sure about a little bit less.

Even the money in my pocket keeps telling me it's God I need to trust.

And I believe in God, but God ain't us.

God,in my little understanding, don't care what name I call.

Whether I haven’t got it  figured out doesn't matter at all.

I receive the blessings.

That every day on Earth's another chance to get it right.

Let this little light of mine shine and rage against the night.

Just another lesson

Maybe someone's watching and wondering what I got.

Maybe this is why I'm here on Earth, and maybe not.


But I believe in God, and God is God.

steve earle

Steve Earle is a songwriter whose lyrics clearly reflect his thinking on issues no matter how troubling.  I’m not sure I could encourage someone to follow in his footsteps as he has been legally married about as many times as he has been arrested for illegal possession.

The song lyrics above resonate more with everyday I grow older.

Like Earle, I have more than a little guard rail paint on my side panels.  Like Earle, as I age, simple thoughts and conclusions are increasingly the norm.  At first I thought (smugly) I had achieved Simplicity on the far side of Complexity.  But now I’m pretty sure it is just a few more additional neurons every day posting  “closed to through traffic”.  

I think a young voice can do the first couple verses justice, but the rest of it begs for an Elder  Cash or a Kristofferson  to pull the depth of finality the later verses call out.

My meditations;

(2nd to last verse)

“I receive the blessings”. There is no mention of deserving them or earning them, that has been wrestled with and concluded decades ago.  “Things” are almost never blessings.  Things that you are told are blessings need to be unwrapped as if a pipe bomb was inside, because there probably is.  Blessings are gifts with the price tags removed.  The gift of Awareness  is a blessing in disguise, to be aware of life around you is to go through life without the ability to  grow calluses. 

“That every day on Earth's another chance to get it right”.  This is not so much a dark capitulation to the concept of Original Sin, as it is optimistic anticipation of having been given yet another day to continue in the construction of bridges over bottomless chasms.

“Let this little light of mine shine and rage against the night”.  Take notice, this is a request, not a statement. To think otherwise is to start off on the wrong foot from the git-go.  No mention of a lighthouse or a giant klieg light, nope, something more like a penlight or a stubby candle.  To me the word “rage” carries with it a sense of tenaciousness , as in, “Lord, you keep it lit and I’ll keep hold high as I can”. “Night” is not without evil, but night is not evil, it’s Ignorance.

“God is God”, is the last thing that comes to mind as I end another day.




  1. Looked up the song after reading this- love discovering new music :). Keep writing and keep listening :)


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