Disturber of the peace. 9/4/21


Sept 1, 2
Quote of the day, and why I chose it.
First the quote-
"The goals of intelligence analysis are NOT “fairness,” “balance,” “sensitivity,” “political correctness,”or “social justice,”...The goals are accuracy and policy-relevance, which demands solid reasoning powers, sound analytical judgement, and skill at building an argument (or case) useful for decision-makers. Identification of current dynamics and future prospects, for the briefing of decisionmakers..." Wayne Selcher
Why I chose this quote.
I am considering opening a "School for the Dissemination of Dangerous Ideas". Graduates will hopefully become known as, Disturbers of the Peace, Trouble Makers, Independents, Free Thinkers. They will blend into society as butchers and bakers and candlestick makers. They will be Democrats, Republicans and Independents. They will be of every race and culture. Talking Heads will hold them in disdain and politicians will fear them. They shall be known as THE INFORMED VOTER.
The first step in becoming an informed voter is to no longer be satisfied with someone else deciding what you believe. That is why you initially need to aspire to achieving the coveted INTELLIGENCE ANALYST merit badge (hence the quote). In the course of earning this merit badge, you will be taught to recognize your own and other's biases, "...preferring to hear what you wanna hear and disregarding the rest". You will learn what objectivity is, how to obtain it and much more. You, my friend, will become a danger to society.


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