New numbers. 8/22/21


Perspective; a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.
Is viewing the vaxx/mask debate as a "Rights" issue, no longer tenable?
Can the variant be the reason for you to change your perspective?
While you quibble over your Constitutional Rights or that it is a "personal choice", the White House — and the country — has had to contend with a variant that is more than twice as transmissible as previous strains of the virus and so contagious that it behaves almost like a different virus. Those infected with it carry viral loads 1,000 times greater than earlier strains.
Who would have thought, so people in the United States would refuse to get the free and easily accessible shots that others across the globe are desperate to have.
July 4: The seven-day average for new coronavirus infections stood at 12,879, one of the lowest rates since the start of the pandemic.
July 9: The seven-day average for new cases is 17,968, up 40 percent.
July 19: The seven-day average for new cases is 34,852, up 171 percent since July Fourth.
July 23: The seven-day average for new cases is 48,041, up 273 percent since July Fourth.
July 26: The seven-day average for new cases is 55,986, up 335 percent since July Fourth.
July 31, the seven-day average for new coronavirus infections was nearly 78,000 — more than six times the level during the July 4th celebration just 27 days earlier.
August 7th, the seven-day average for new coronavirus infections was nearly 108,832
August 13th, the seven-day average for new coronavirus infections was nearly 122,769
August 20th, the seven-day average for new coronavirus infections was nearly 137,188
Will things have to get to a point the only perspective that makes sense will require a true wartime response if you will, that every option will be on the table, regardless of constitutionality?
Think about it,


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