Trump as a Hijacker February 17th, ano 3
February 17,3 File under; Quote of the Day (This is a long post, please see request at bottom before leaving) Today's quote comes from the pen of Dana Milbank, a nationally syndicated op-ed columnist for The Washington Post. He also provides political commentary for various TV outlets, and he is the author of three books on politics. I chose Dana's piece in the WP because I firmly believe Donald Trump has done a tremendous amount of damage to our country and continues to do so in his pursuit of self-dietification. Basically, I (bobb) think Donald Trump committed the crime of hijacking. Let me explain; There is a movement within the US, a movement by various tribes of like minded citizens that increasingly felt marginalized, and excluded from participating in society. There was a growing consensus among tribe members the US business leadership, the stewards of higher education, the lawmakers, the bureaucratic enforcers and the judicial deciders no longer represented their inte...