
Showing posts from August, 2022

The Parting Glass, The Passing of Richard Laue. Unfolding

 Friday Morning, August 12th, Year 3 of the Virus An Update to Last Sunday's Meditations  Last Sunday I shared how we had received a, "You must hurry and come quickly if..." phone call informing us my cousin Rich would soon be crossing the bar, and if I wished to have any last words with him we best leave for Momence Illinois immediately, which we did.  On the way out we drove through some incredibly heavy downpours, not thunderstorms with lightning and high winds, but just torrential, straight-down rains.  I imagined Rich sitting in the back seat saying something like, "...Well, the corn and beans didn't need this, but the sloughs and wetlands sure did". Richard had a connection to the soil that expressed itself in his deep love of farming and his strong spiritual ties to nature.  Rich collected old farm equipment and had an idealized view of farming in the 1950 and 6o's, something we would debate on the infrequent times we got together.  Richard loved ...

The Parting Glass, The Passing of Richard Laue

 Sunday August 15th, Year 3 of the Virus Sunday, August 7th, Year 3 Sunday Meditation The Parting Glass "...But since it calls unto my lot That I should rise and you should not I'll gently rise and I'll softly call Goodnight and joy be with you all" (Ed Sheeran) Our family moved away from Chicago when I was just a little kid, and being the introvert that I am, I never developed the strong family ties to my extended family that still resides in that area.  I was just too young and had very few memories to build upon.  They are all good people and over the last few years I have begun to reach out to a number of them. One of these relatives is a cousin, maybe 83 years old, 14 years my elder, who has meant a lot to me over the course of my life.  When he came to visit he always seemed glad to see me, he seemed genuinely interested in what was going on in my life.  We have a lot in common, a love of nature, a love of solitude, a contemplative's state of mind, a sense...

The Dow of Tailwind Thoughts

 August 3, Year 3 Imagine you are driving a semi tractor and trailer across the high desert out west.  You are rested, the sun is up, but not in your eyes.  This is one of those runs where  everything is cosmically in alignment; tires, springs, cab and seat suspension, engine, transmission, differential. Everything is perfectly balanced, through the seat of your pants you feel the on-board computer making a continuous chain of micro adjustments to fuel and air ratio, ignition timing, as well as the temperature in the cab.   Everything connects. Everything is in perfect balance, in perfect tension. This exactly how I would describe how I feel when I sit and think. bobb

The Cost of Denial

Saturday, May 14, Year 3 Meditation For Today; When Trade in Baubles and Beads Meets Courage Never has the been a time when the trade in baubles and beads has had to look itself in the mirror and admit the whore it has become than this present moment that faces us in Ukraine. Never have we been confronted so graphically with how far we have slid down the slippery slope of  accommodation in our pursuit of baubles and beads than Hi-Def photos of the body strewn streets and the collapsed bomb shelters of the villages and cities of Ukraine. It is noted that this was started May 14th, and not returned to until June 14th.  Nothing has changed.  It is clear my optimism concerning humankind was just that, optimism.  If anything, Putin supporters clearly articulate their preference of leaving the driving to Putin. Better to live lives with managed lies, than the random truths.  Never mind the innocent die for no reason, none what-so-ever. bobb