The Cost of Denial

Saturday, May 14, Year 3

Meditation For Today; When Trade in Baubles and Beads Meets Courage

Never has the been a time when the trade in baubles and beads has had to look itself in the mirror and admit the whore it has become than this present moment that faces us in Ukraine.

Never have we been confronted so graphically with how far we have slid down the slippery slope of accommodation in our pursuit of baubles and beads than Hi-Def photos of the body strewn streets and the collapsed bomb shelters of the villages and cities of Ukraine.

It is noted that this was started May 14th, and not returned to until June 14th.  Nothing has changed.  It is clear my optimism concerning humankind was just that, optimism.  If anything, Putin supporters clearly articulate their preference of leaving the driving to Putin. Better to live lives with managed lies, than the random truths.  Never mind the innocent die for no reason, none what-so-ever.




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