Today We Vote

 November 8th, Year 3

Today We Vote.

Today we vote, and in doing so we exercise a weapon far more powerful than any bomb or rocket conceived or stockpiled anywhere in the world.  Like any powerful weapon it can be used for good or evil, changing the course of lives and of history, opening the floodgates of opportunity or snuffing out the Hopes of the hopeless.

Today we vote.  Today we must decide what is to have rule over us?, Fear or Love?  Optimism or Pessimism? Starships to the ends of the galaxy, or overloaded lifeboats becalmed in the Sea of Indifference?. Us/Them, or We?

Today we vote.  More of the same, or Change?  Innovate or Consolidate? Ideally, or Realistically?  The Sacredness of  all Life, or Utilitarianism?  Educate to light the fires of Curiosity or to fill job slots?

Today we vote. Open discussion or guided menu?  Open mic or sound bites?  To chisel plow or to rotary-hoe? Unity or A-Party-of-One?  Patriot or Narcissist?

Today we vote. We in effect, tell ourselves who we really are, what we really want, what we really fear, what we will risk, what we won't.  Who we give a damn about and who we don't.  That's no small thing, it's a very big thing.  It's sacred and we need to prepare to exercise our vote as we do to participate Holy Communion.

As you close the curtain behind you, know why you chose who you chose.



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