Why do I write? 11/1/23

11/1/23, Why do I write?


I write;

~To organize and scrutinize my thoughts. Written lies, deceptions, exaggerations, as well as slippery words, veiled  hate, jealousy, envy, are easier to spot and correct when viewed as written word.

~To provide a record of my accounting of my speech and actions.

~To harvest from the life I lived, wisdom gained, knowledge winnowed, and insight into the inner man, his strengths and weaknesses.

 ~To step out of the passive and into the active, by use of illustration, put into words that can be understood, warnings, possible consequences, the actions of others may bring upon themselves. ( As well as the reward of having “done the right thing”.)

~To record my search for deepening my understanding of Being a Follower of Christ.

~To be a voice for and an encouragement to those who have stumbled, who have little to no voice, few if any friends, who are burdened with responsibilities they struggle to fulfill, in a space that is not a friend to their existence. Those who  are relying on life skills that are critically flawed if they exist at all. 

~To provide HOPE, and to be a finger pointing out a path from the slough of Despond for the down-hearted.

~I write because I sense, deep down inside me, I sense I am supposed to write. I sense if I don’t write it will be the biggest regret of my life. I never felt this was a lifetime duty.  But for today, this moment, it's what I’m supposed to do.. 


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