“Bettering Ourselves” Addendum .v3 Sunday Meditation 12/24/23



“Bettering Ourselves” Addendum .v3 Sunday Meditation

While I was working on the concept of “bettering ourselves” I came across a song that fit the subject matter like a glove. Since the post was already getting too long, I withheld mentioning the song and filed it away for another day. The song seems so appropriate I’m posting it as an addendum to the Sunday post.
The song is “In the Blood”, written by John Mayor, a prolific songwriter. The best cover of the song is by the acapella group, Home Free, was released in 2017. I strongly encourage you to listen to Home Free sing their cover here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1TqpH6PZBo
Here’s the lyrics;
Home Free -In the Blood
How much of my Mother
Has my Mother left in me
How much of my love
Will be insane to some degree
What about this feeling
That I'm never good enough
Will it wash out in the water
Or is it always in the blood
How much of my Father
Am I destined to become
Will I dim the lights inside me
Just to satisfy someone
Will I let this woman kill me
Or do away with jealous love
Will it wash out in the water
Or is it always in the blood
I can't feel the love I want
I can't feel the love I need
But it's never gonna come
The way I am
Could I change it if I wanted
Can I rise above the flood
Will it wash out in the water
Or is it always in the blood
How much like my brothers
Do my brothers wanna be
Does a broken home become
Another broken family
Will we be there for each other
Like nobody ever could
Will it wash out in the water
Or is it always in the blood
I can't feel the love I wanted
I can't feel the love I need
But it's never gonna come
The way I am
Could I change it if I wanted
Can I rise above the flood
Will it wash out in the water
Or is it always in the blood
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
I can't feel the love I want
I can't feel the love I need
But it's never gonna come
The way I am
Could I change it if I wanted
Can I rise above the flood
Will it wash out in the water
Or is it always in the blood
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Is it always in the blood
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: John Clayton Mayer
In the Blood lyrics © Goodium Music
Written by John Mayer, “In the Blood” takes aim at one of country music’s purest residents: mothers. It explores the underlying forces in Mayer’s relationship with his family and how that may have affected the way he loves.
Jenifer Bell in an article posted at oldtimemusic.com goes into what makes this song so intense. She writes;
“John Mayer’s song “In the Blood” is a deep and introspective track that explores the idea of traits and experiences that are passed down from generation to generation. The song delves into the concept of how our family history and nature influence who we become as individuals. With lyrics like “How much of my mother has my mother left in me? / How much of my love will be insane to some degree?”, Mayer prompts listeners to consider the notion of how our upbringing and lineage shape our lives.
In this poignant ballad, Mayer questions whether certain aspects of our character are innate, ingrained in our DNA, or learned behaviors influenced by our environment. He reflects on how traits such as resilience, addiction, and social tendencies can be influenced by our familial ties. Through thoughtful and introspective lyrics, Mayer delivers a powerful message about the inescapable nature of lineage and the impact it has on our lives.
John Mayer stated the song was inspired by his own self-reflection and examination of his family history. He wanted to explore the idea of whether certain traits and experiences are predetermined or if they can be changed.
The main theme of “In the Blood” is the influence of family and genetics on an individual’s life. It delves into the struggle between nature versus nurture and contemplates how much of our character is dictated by our ancestry.
“In the Blood” elicits a range of emotions, from contemplation and introspection to vulnerability and acceptance. The song’s somber melodies and poignant lyrics may evoke feelings of nostalgia and introspection in listeners.
The song’s universal theme of grappling with one’s upbringing and familial ties resonates with listeners on a personal level. Many individuals can relate to the idea of questioning their own traits and habits and how they might relate to those of their family members.
These lyrics allude to the fear of inheriting negative qualities or engaging in self-destructive behavior that one may have witnessed in their father or paternal figure. It reflects the apprehension of carrying on unhealthy patterns and desires to break free from them.
“In the Blood” resonates with listeners by addressing deep-rooted questions about identity, family, and personal growth. The song’s relatable themes and Home Free’s evocative delivery make it a powerful and emotional experience for many listeners.”
(bobb) The fact this song was so well received and downloaded so many times, indicates to me the still-tender spot most of us have in regards to concern over the environment within which we were raised. It’s tough to look at a parent and conclude, “There’s a lot about you, I want nothing to do with”.
As painful as that may be, it is necessary. A parent’s conditional love, based on performance, good behavior, career choice, and such, inflicts untold damage to the child, especially if the parent dies or the two become so estranged the opportunity to reconcile never presents itself.
As I said from the beginning, if you want to “better yourself” the biggest bang for the buck is to examine your family history and work on pulling the nasty perennial weeds that are waiting to choke future generations.


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