“Bettering Ourselves” Addendum .v3 Sunday Meditation 12/24/23
12/26/23 “Bettering Ourselves” Addendum .v3 Sunday Meditation While I was working on the concept of “bettering ourselves” I came across a song that fit the subject matter like a glove. Since the post was already getting too long, I withheld mentioning the song and filed it away for another day. The song seems so appropriate I’m posting it as an addendum to the Sunday post. The song is “In the Blood”, written by John Mayor, a prolific songwriter. The best cover of the song is by the acapella group, Home Free, was released in 2017. I strongly encourage you to listen to Home Free sing their cover here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1TqpH6PZBo Here’s the lyrics; Home Free -In the Blood How much of my Mother Has my Mother left in me How much of my love Will be insane to some degree What about this feeling That I'm never good enough Will it wash out in the water Or is it always in the blood How much of my Father Am I destined to become Will I dim the lights inside me Just to sat...